Please help with our Shoe Drive!
Operation Helping Hand is launching a project to collect gently used shoes for the street kids of Kabwe. A good pair of shoes is hard to come by not only because of cost, but also because the products available in Zambia are of poor quality and will wear out or fall apart rather quickly. In contrast, almost any gently used shoe available in the U.S. would be of far better quality and a tremendous blessing to a kid in Zambia.
So, our goal is to set up shipping barrels in participating churches- either a 55 gallon steel or 77 gallon poly shipping drum – to collect donations of sneakers, soccer cleats, or black dress shoes. We can use nearly all sizes, from boys size 4 to adult size 12. The sneakers will be used for daily wear and recreation. Many of the boys have no shoes, or may have only one pair for special occasions, so they often play soccer with bare feet on fields which are strewn with broken glass. Despite frequent efforts to clear it away, there always seems to be more glass and someone gets hurt.
The black dress shoes are needed as part of the required uniform for those boys who are lucky enough to attend school. There is no public education in Zambia, so only those who can afford tuition and the proper attire can attend. Anything to help with those expenses is greatly appreciated.
Once we gather and fill the shipping barrels, which can hold 100 or more pairs of shoes, we will ship them over to Zambia and distribute them accordingly. Each barrel will require sponsorship of about $400 to cover shipping costs, so cash donations are also gladly accepted. We do ask that the shoes are in relatively good condition to justify the cost of shipping. A good rule of thumb is that if they’re still good enough to use as a hand-me-down for one of your own kids, then they will be a huge blessing to a kid in Zambia!
If you have shoes to donate or would like to sponsor a donation barrel at your church, business, or organization, please contact Randy at 717-799-7607 or
Cash Donations can be made online or by mail. Please visit our “Donations” page for details, and note “Shoe Drive” on the envelope or in the online form to earmark your gift to this cause.